OFFICE: Research and Analytics

EFFECTIVE DATE: 11-20-2019

COUNTY: Pottawattamie

ROUTE: Interstate 29

ENTERED BY: Paul Mauer

ENTERED DATE: 12-19-2019



New Description - Interstate 29 and its extensions in Pottawattamie County described as follows:


Beginning on the Mills‑Pottawattamie County line at a point near the SE Corner of Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner of Section 6‑T73N‑R43W, Mills County); thence in a northerly direction through Sections 31 and 30-T74N-R43W to the south corporation line of Council Bluffs.



Council Bluffs:


Beginning at the south corporation line; thence north and northeast through Sections 30, 19, 18 and 7-T74N-R43W (junction US 275 and Iowa 92); thence westerly through the north part of Sections 12 (east junction Interstate 80 and US 6 and Iowa 192), 11, and 10‑T74N‑R44W to a point approximately 885 feet east of the NW Corner of said Section 10 (west junction Interstate 80); thence northwesterly through Sections 3 and 4‑T74N‑R44W; thence northerly through Sections 33 (west junction US 6) and 28‑T75N‑R44W; thence generally northeasterly through Sections 28 (junction Interstate 480), 27, 26 and 23‑T75N‑R44W to the north corporation line (approximately 2443 feet west of the NE Corner of said Section 23).




OFFICE:  Transportation Data

ENTERED BY:  Stefani Wonders

ENTERED DATE: 09-13-2006




Due to a review of our Primary System records, the primary route description for Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County was found to be in slight error and therefore was re-written.




New Description - Interstate 29 and its extensions in Pottawattamie County described as follows:


Beginning on the Mills‑Pottawattamie County line at a point near the SE Corner of Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner of Section 6‑T73N‑R43W, Mills County); thence in a northerly direction through Sections 31, 30, 19 and 18-T74N-­R43W to the south corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street (approximately 2707 feet south and 164 feet west of the NE Corner Section 18-T74N-R43W).


Council Bluffs:


Beginning on the south corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Sections 18 and 7‑T74N‑R43W and Sections 12-T74N-­R44W to a point approximately 2172 feet west and 200 feet south of the NE Corner of said Section 12; thence westerly through the north part of Sections 12, 11, and 10‑T74N‑R44W to a point approximately 885 feet east of the NW Corner of said Section 10; thence northwesterly through Sections 3 and 4‑T74N‑R44W; thence northerly through Sections 33 and 28‑T75N‑R44W; thence generally northeasterly through Sections 28, 27, 26 and 23‑T75N‑R44W to the north corporation line connecting with an unnamed street (approximately 2443 feet west of the NE Corner of said Section 23).


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street; thence in a northerly and northwesterly direction through Sections 14, 11, 2 and 3‑T75N‑R44W and Sections 34, 27, and 28‑T76N‑R44W to the south junction of Interstate 680; thence curving in a general northerly direction through the east part of Sections 28, 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction through Section 33, 28, 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W to a point (north junction Interstate 680) in the SE ¼ Section 4‑T77N‑R44W; thence curving in a northwesterly direction to the Pottawattamie‑Harrison County line at a point approximately 2027 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W, Pottawattamie County (SE Corner Section 33­T78N‑R44W, Harrison County).









DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  C.I. MacGillivray





Due to a review of our Primary Road System records Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County should be deleted and the new description added should be officially included into the Primary System.


Interstate 29 begins on the Pottawattamie‑Mills County line approximately 1 mile southeast of Council Bluffs, and travels generally northerly and northwesterly via Council Bluffs to the Pottawattamie‑Harrison County line approximately 5 miles east of the Missouri River.




Locate Interstate 29 and its extension in Pottawattamie County as follows:


Beginning on the Mills‑Pottawattamie County line at a point near the SE Corner of Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner of Section 6‑T73N‑R43W, Mills County); thence in a northerly direction through Sections 31, 30, 19 and 18-T74N-­R43W to the south corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street.


Council Bluffs:


Beginning on the south corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northwesterly through Sections 18 and 7‑T74N‑R43W and Sections 12 and 1-T74N-­R44W; thence westerly through the south part of Sections 1, 2, and 3‑T74N‑R44W; thence northwesterly through Sections 3 and 4‑T74N‑R44W; thence northerly through Sections 32 and 28‑T75N‑R44W; thence generally northeasterly through Sections 28, 27, 26 and 23‑T75N‑R44W to the north corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street; thence in a northerly and northwesterly direction through Sections 14,11,2 and 3‑T75N‑R44W; thence in a northwesterly direction through Sections 34 and 27‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 1300 feet north of the SW Corner Section 27‑T76N‑R44W; thence northwesterly through Section 28‑T76N‑R44W to the south junction of Interstate 680; thence curving in a general northerly direction through the east part of Sections 28 and 21‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 276 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 21‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad through Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 1440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction to a point (center of the Honey Creek interchange approximately 410 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction through Section 33‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33‑T77N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad through Sections 28, 21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 230 feet west of the NE Corner Section 16‑T77N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction through Section 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W to a point (north junction Interstate 680) in the SE ¼ Section 4‑T77N‑R44W; thence curving in a northwesterly direction to the Pottawattamie‑Harrison County line at a point approximately 1400 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W, Pottawattamie County (SE Corner Section 33­T78N‑R44W, Harrison County).


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Transportation approve the location of Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie county, Iowa.


NOTE:  To become effective upon the adoption of this resolution.






DIVISION:  Planning & Research

SUBMITTED BY:  Raymond L. Kassel





Due to a review of our Primary Interstate Highway System records, Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County should be deleted from the Primary Interstate Highway System and the new description added should be officially included in to the Primary Interstate Highway System.




Locate Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County, Iowa as follows:


Beginning on the Mills‑Pottawattamie County line at a point near the SE Corner of Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner of Section 6-T73N-­R43W, Mills County); thence in a northerly direction parallel to the section lines through Sections 31, 30, 29, 19, 20, 18 and 17 to a point near the E ¼ Corner of Section 18‑T74N‑R43W the south corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs, connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with the extension of 16th  Streets; thence in a northerly and northwesterly direction through Sections 14, 11, 2 and 3-T75N-R44W; and in a northwesterly direction through Sections 34 and 27-T76N-R44W to a point near the SW Corner NW ¼ SW ¼ of said Section 27; thence curving in a northerly direction thru the E ½ of Section 28‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 0.1 mile west of the NE Corner Section 28‑T76N‑R44W; thence curving in a northeasterly and northerly direction to a point 276 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 21-T76N-R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4-T76N-R44W to a point approximately 1440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner Section 4-T76N-R44W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction to a point approximately 410 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction thru Section 33‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33‑T77N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 28, 21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 230 feet west of the NE Corner Section 16‑T77N‑R44W; thence northerly direction thru Sections 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 855 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W; thence curving in a northwesterly direction to the Pottawattamie‑Harrison County line at a point approximately 1400 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W, Pottawattamie County (SE Corner Section 33-T78N-­R44W, Harrison County)


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Transportation approve the location of Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.


NOTE:   To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.






COUNTY:  Pottawattamie

ROUTE:    Interstate 29



Beginning on the Pottawattamie‑Mills County line at a point near the SE Corner Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner Section 6‑T73N‑R43W, Mills County) to the south corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with the extension of 16th Streets; thence in a northerly and northwesterly direction through Section 14, 11, 2 and 3‑T75N‑R44W; and in a northwesterly direction through Sections 34 and 27‑T76N‑R44W to a point near the SW Corner NW ¼ SW ¼ of said Section 27; thence curving in a northerly dir­ection thru the E ½ of Section 28‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 0.1 mile west of the NE Corner Section 28‑T76N‑R44W; thence curving in a northeasterly and northerly direction to a point 276 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 21‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 1440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction to a point approximately 410 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction thru Section 33‑T77N‑R44W to a point approxi­mately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33‑T77N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 28, 21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 230 feet west of the NE Corner Section 16­-T77N‑R44W; thence northerly direction thru Sections 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 855 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 4-T77N-­R44W; thence curving in a northwesterly direction to the Potta­wattamie‑Harrison County line at a point approximately 1400 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W, Pottawattamie County (SE Corner Section 33‑T78N‑R44W, Harrison County).






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  Gene R. Mills



Locate Interstate 29 and its extension in Pottawattamie County as follows:


Beginning on the Pottawattamie‑Mills County line at a point near the SE Corner Section 31‑T74N‑R43W, Pottawattamie County (NE Corner Section 6‑T73N‑R43W, Mills County) to the south corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of Council Bluffs connecting with the extension of 16th Street; thence in a northerly and northwesterly direction through Section 14, 11, 2 and 3‑T75N‑R44W; and in a northwesterly direction through Section 34 and 27‑T76N‑R44W to a point near the SW Corner NW ¼ SW ¼ of said Section 27; thence curving in a northerly dir­ection thru the E ½ of Section 28‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 0.1 mile west of the NE Corner Section 28‑T76N‑R44W; thence curving in a northeasterly and northerly direction to a point 276 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 21‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 21, 16, 9 and 4‑T76N‑R44W to a point approximately 1440 feet north and 102 feet west of the SE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction to a point approximately 410 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T76N‑R44W; thence continuing in a northerly, northeasterly and northerly direction thru Section 33‑T77N‑R44W to a point approxi­mately 97 feet west of the NE Corner Section 33‑T77N‑R44W; thence in a northerly direction adjacent and substantially parallel to the Illinois Central Railroad thru Sections 28, 21 and 16‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 230 feet west of the NE Corner Section 16­-T77N‑R44W; thence northerly direction thru Sections 9 and 4‑T77N‑R44W to a point approximately 855 feet west of the E ¼ Corner Section 4-T77N­R44W; thence curving in a northwesterly direction to the Potta­wattamie‑Harrison County line at a point approximately 1400 feet west of the NE Corner Section 4‑T77N‑R44W, Pottawattamie County (SE Corner Section 33‑T78N‑R44W, Harrison County).


Council Bluffs


Beginning on an unnamed street at the east corporation line of Council Bluffs; thence northwesterly to a point near the N ¼ Corner of Section 12‑T74N‑R44W (near intersection of south 4th Street and 29th Avenue); thence westerly along the approxi­mate section line parallel to 29th Avenue to a point near the N ¼ Corner Section 10‑T74N‑R44W; thence curving northwesterly to the Union Pacific Railroad south of 9th Avenue; thence northerly across Interstate 480 to Avenue G; thence northeasterly and easterly to North 25th Street at a point just north of Avenue N; thence easterly and northeasterly to the north corporation line at a point just north of the North 16th Street connection.


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa State Highway Commission approve the location of Interstate 29 and its extension in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  Raymond L. Kassel



Locate Interstate 29 in Pottawattamie County as follows:


Beginning on an unnamed street at 9th Avenue; thence northerly on said unnamed street to Interstate 480; thence continuing northerly, northeasterly, and northerly on said unnamed street to the north corporation line of Council Bluffs.


NOW THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa State Highway Commission approve the Extension of Interstate 29 in Council Bluffs, Iowa.


NOTE: To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.